I believe that we were meant to live in spiritual freedom.

I believe the world we live in has programmed us to conform to the reigning cultural lies and expectations of money, success, beauty…you name your emotional trigger and I will reveal the spirit of negativity that keeps you in confusion. Ignatius called this discernment of spirits. I will teach you how to cut through all of the negative messaging by using tools that lead you to instead of away from your purpose so you can begin to navigate this world on your terms.

I believe the answer is simplicity. Isn’t it ironic how difficult it seems to be simple? Spiritual simplicity calls for a pure heart, undivided by the duplicity of the world. In order to achieve the purpose for which we were created, our hearts need to remain uncluttered. We achieve this by way of detachment. When we recognize who we really are at our core, we begin to understand our dignity and the allure of the world becomes exposed. This facilitates the restoration of the understanding of our worth. This frees us to simply be.

You’re feeling stuck; unfulfilled. You yearn for a sense of inner calm. I gotchu. Let me show you how to live in peace. If I could teach you how to recognize the voice of sabotage, how it keeps you in confusion, how to cut it loose and live in freedom, would you be in?