The Biz

Hey, you! The girl with a dream…

Hey, you! The girl with a dream…


Partnering with The Natural Healing Project to Create Your Own Wellness Community

Are you a girl with a dream? Are you curious about how you can integrate your desire to serve others with your passion for wellness to create a multiple stream of income?

You’re in the right place. Our team of dynamic strong women who each understand their feminine genius, dignity and purpose, are achieving the dreams placed on their heart. Backed by Double Diamond leader Ange Peters, Diamond leader Aimee Decaigney, Gold Leader Kimberly Ignas and myself, your growth is unstoppable. I invite you to link arms with a team who attracts positive thinkers and those willing to take ownership of the gifts they’ve been given in life. All of the tools, resources and clear leadership fit lock and key with your entrepreneurial dreams. If you are a self-starter wanting access to a business model for success, you’ve got it. I believe that God has a plan for each of us and I believe the desires he has placed on our heart are meant to glorify him for his purpose. Are you someone who honors your body the way God intended with a lifestyle anchored in proactive health? If you are feeling called to lead others back to wholeness spiritually, emotionally, physically or financially, I can connect you with your dream. My leadership style is to guide you in alignment with God’s will for your life, not because you believe you will get rich quick, but because you believe you have a message on your heart that you simply must share with the world. Your passion is your purpose. You know that a wellness lifestyle rooted in simplicity and truth will attract many to a company that supports every human from the farmer and the farmer’s community to the mom at home sharing essential oils with her family and friends. When the personal attributes of humility, gratitude and the desire to serve align with a billion dollar fully transparent independently owned company that empowers people on both sides of every single bottle of the purest essential oil available- now THAT is a winning combination! Our dream in DoTERRA is an essential oil in every home. Will you be a part of making that dream come true?

Yes, I’d like to learn more!