Pets and Oils

Our beloved fur friends and other pets deserve the best in natural solutions. You may not have realized that doTERRA pure essential oils can support your pet’s needs! Read on to discover some new tips and tricks.


What is an Essential Oil?

• Extracts from Plants
• Found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of the plant • Highly Concentrated (less is more)
• 50-70% more powerful than herbs

Why doTERRA?

When using Essential Oils safely with animals, they must be guaranteed 100% pure.
doTERRA’s 3rd party testing is unique in the industry and one that will guarantee purity. Every batch is rigorously tested for contaminants, toxins, adulterations, natural and artificial fillers. Please do not use cheap oils with your precious pet.

Basic Guidelines:

Know your Pet: The species, age, size, health, and mannerisms will all determine which essential oils to use and how to properly use them with the animals.

Read Their Reaction: Introduce the essential oils to your pet first and read their reaction. If you notice that the animal shies away or avoids the oils, then that is a good indication that the specific oil is not for them.

Always Make a Positive Experience: Never force an essential oil onto an animal, as this will create fear and lead to a negative experience.

Aromatic Selection: The animal can select which essential oil works best for them. Select three oils with similar benefits and allow the animal to sniff each bottle. Watch how the animal responds and engaged with each. Their body language will indicate which essential oil they prefer.

Always Dilute: When applying the essential oils topically onto the animals you always need to dilute them with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil (NOT WATER).

Escape Route: Never trap an animal in a room when diffusing. Always provide an escape route for the animal to take a break from the aroma. If you notice that the animal leaves the room each time you turn on the diffuser with a certain oil then that is a good indication that the oil is not mixing well with them.

Be Cautious: Use caution with animals that are pregnant, nursing, young, elderly, or on medication. Animals with bleeding disorders- avoid the following essential oils:
Birch Blue Tansy, Cassia, Fennel, Ginger, Oregano, Wintergreen.
Animals that are epileptic/prone to seizures- avoid the following: Basil, Camphor, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Rosemary, Wintergreen, and Clary Sage.

Animals that are pregnant- avoid the following: Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Marjoram, Peppermint, and Oregano.
Lactating Animals should avoid: Peppermint

Essential Oils to avoid based on species:
Cats (Topically):
Basil, Citrus, Cinnamon, Clove, Dill, Fennel, Tea Tree, Oregano, Peppermint, Thyme, Rosemary, Spearmint, Wintergreen Dogs (Topically): Birch, Tea Tree, Wintergreen
Small Pocket Pets: Oregano, Cinnamon, Thyme, Clove, Tea Tree Birds: Use caution all around, avoid diffusing indoors
Large Animals: Use caution with “hot” oils

Method of Application:
: (Must be water diffuser, or applied to palms and let animal sniff hands.) Great for
behavior management, emotional well-being, gentle and consistent dosing, respiratory health, and purifying the air.
Topical: (Must dilute appropriately with a carrier oil.) Great for skin care, pain management, Immune Support, and Bug Deterrent. *Paw animals - the rear paw pads are a great place to apply.

Dilution Ratios:

  • Dogs and large animals 1 to 4 drops of essential oil to 100 drops of fractionated coconut oil

    (1% to 4% dilution). Small dogs, young and elderly animals: stick to 1%-2%.

  • Toy dog breed and cats: 1/2 to 1 drop of essential oil to 100 drops of fractionated coconut oil

    (0.5% to 1%) 1 drop of EO to 200 drops of FCO = 0.5%.

  • Pocket pets 1 drop of EO to 200 drops of FCO.

  • Large birds over 6 pounds 1 drop of EO to 200-400 drops of FCO. Apply to feet/talons.
    Age, size, health, and species will all vary in dilution. Small, young, elderly, ill: use less and dilute more.

    Top 8 Essential Oils for Animals

    Lavender: Aids in calming emotions, supports healthy skin function, aids in seasonal and environmental discomfort, and manages the normal stress response.
    Frankincense: Soothes occasional discomfort, aids in normal and healthy cell function, aids in healthy nerve function, supports healthy skin function, and aids the immune system.
    Lemongrass: Joint support, urinary tract support, aids immune function, pest deterrent. Cedarwood: Pest deterrent, aids healthy respiratory function, promotes healthy skin function, and provides emotional support.
    Copaiba: Soothes occasional discomfort, supports healthy heart function, powerful antioxidant, and aids in healthy nerve function.
    Digestzen: Supports normal gut function, balances parasites, supports food transition, and soothes motion discomfort.
    On Guard: Aides in healthy immune function, kennel, and stable cleanser, supports normal respiratory function, and oral care.
    Balance: Emotional support, promotes relaxation and calming, and can use as skin care.