In order to better understand the spark that ignited the Natural Healing Project, we'll have to unpack the story a little bit. Let's go back to the very beginning and I will introduce my life's work-my family! I met Captain Fun in high school. We started dating, became best friends and continued our relationship during our four years at different colleges. I always dreamed of a large family. Funny thing though; the reality of a big family looked nothing like the cotton candy image in my head. Total bait and switch…



See number one over there in the middle with the kiddo of her own? Yeah, her. She was days’ worth of labor and a surprising 10 lbs. 4 and 1/2 ounces. She led the pack with the kind of willful determination that throws a novice mama for a loop but turns into incredible leadership. She is amazing.


Number two, in the shades, top center? He was born in the car. In the hospital parking lot. I did not ask for that experience. I did learn from it, though, that he most definitely has a mind of his own. Goldenboy.



During the fifth month of my pregnancy with number 3, I underwent major abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst that was growing at the same rate as she was. Bedrest and a temporary free-for-all ensued, but Number 3 was born healthy despite it all. She’s a strong one, that one in the jean jacket; a surviver.


Lifeoftheparty arrived fourth. Action-oriented, goal-driven, always determined and on her game. Started school early, graduated college early, gets the show on the road. She’s the one having the most fun in this pic. Obviously.

At this point, our only son complained that even the pets were girls. Oh, how he wanted a brother. He was 13 before his little brother came along. Unbeknownst to me, LifeoftheParty, who was 5 at the time, was praying for a baby brother for her birthday. We were sitting on a bench in Disney World when she shared her dream with me (I was literally pregnant at the time but didn’t know it yet) and sure enough,

Number 6 arrived during her birthday week. A boy, of course.


With number 5, I gave birth to The Queen. She’s taught me about temperament, individuality, freedom, patience, trust and unconditional love. Self-made rules; eyebrows on point; middle child..


Number 6 can testify to many miracles. He has shown me that God was in control all along and has taught me to not try to control the outcome and to see people as God sees them. He’s quite an entrepreneur, this Number 6. He’s had his own biz since age 11. He inspires me.



Number 7 arrived 19 years after Number 1 at 11 lbs 9 oz.


With 6 children, I managed to keep it all together. Presentable even. But, seven? Nope.

Number 7 felt like 70 x 7. Our seventh baby was an exponential addition to the family. I was completely outnumbered. I could no longer keep it all together according to the world’s standards. Blind trust. Survival of the fittest. I could’ve surrendered in faith and simplicity, but instead I tried to maintain order. Here’s when people started mistaking our oldest two kids for the parents of the little ones. “They look too young to have all those kids,” people would remark. Number 1 and Number 2 were 19 and 17 at this point. Old enough to wear a baby sling. This takes kids being embarrassed by their parents to a whole new level.

So kiddo Number 7 is the cool uncle because he’s closer in age to his nephews than he is to his older sister, their mother. Smart, accountable, does his own laundry. He might even do mine.

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