Welcome in...I'm Elizabeth
I guide women down paths of peaceful guidance to discover their purpose. The greatest desire on my heart is to help people learn to receive the gentle love of Christ.
I guide women down paths of peaceful guidance to discover their purpose. The greatest desire on my heart is to help people learn to receive the gentle love of Christ.
It’s no accident that our paths have crossed. I’ll bet you’re done with “Busy Culture,” too. Grab a tea and stay a while…
Do you yearn for a spirit of patient trust? Do you long to live authentically on a path that doesn’t take your outside of yourself to conform to the world’s standards, but rather celebrates the unique qualities of your soul...yet you feel impatient on this way to something new and unknown?
I understand. I’m here to peacefully guide you down paths of simplicity toward balance in all pillars of health: emotional, spiritual, physical and financial.
I believe life is short. A miracle kept me alive one day in April 2016. Now I know what’s important, and what I took for granted.
I believe we were all meant to live in light and love.
I believe there is a way to live in peace and with joy and I’m here to teach you the secret.
I believe you are busy. I’m busy. I get it. I have 7 kids and work full time. I was exactly where you are: living in chaos, demands of real life, striving to do all the things perfectly and procrastinating until I had the time to begin to tackle the mental and physical clutter. The problem with busy culture is that there is NEVER that window of time to begin. Too busy. How did I get out from under that mindset?
I had a life changing accident, where modern medicine failed. This was a special moment of teachability for me. The rebuilding of my life came in many forms. Setbacks and challenges were gifts in disguise. Being forced to slow down revealed the beauty of the present moment. Changing my present moment- to thinking healthy thoughts, and taking aligned action toward living healthy habits- is what changed my outcome and my future.
You’re here because you, too, are seeking to find more peace in your every day.
Oh, and about the overwhelm you may be feeling... I get that you are very familiar with these feelings because you’ve been living life at this vibe. Release it. It doesn’t serve you. We’ll start with those feelings of overwhelm and work toward a place of peaceful balance. We are working toward a better future, by crafting this very moment of presence now.
Let’s restore your sense of calm by exploring the many gifts our Creator has put in place for us to support ourselves on this journey called life. You may be here to learn how to pray and to listen to God. You may be here to re-learn how to listen to yourself and to revisit your deepest longings. In order to do that, you will need to become a student of your body and get back in touch with how things feel. I lost all sight of that at one point which is why I know how to reclaim it. The foundation of healing needs to be solid. Where would you like to begin?
I believe that we were meant to live in spiritual freedom.
I believe the world we live in has programmed us to conform to the reigning cultural lies and expectations of money, success, beauty…you name your emotional trigger and I will reveal the spirit of negativity that keeps you in confusion. Ignatius called this discernment of spirits. I will teach you how to cut through all of the negative messaging by using tools that lead you to instead of away from your purpose so you can begin to navigate this world on your terms.
I believe the answer is simplicity. Isn’t it ironic how difficult it seems to be simple? Spiritual simplicity calls for a pure heart, undivided by the duplicity of the world. In order to achieve the purpose for which we were created, our hearts need to remain uncluttered. We achieve this by way of detachment. When we recognize who we really are at our core, we begin to understand our dignity and the allure of the world becomes exposed. This facilitates the restoration of the understanding of our worth. This frees us to simply be.
You’re feeling stuck; unfulfilled. You yearn for a sense of inner calm. I gotchu. Let me show you how to live in peace. If I could teach you how to recognize the voice of sabotage, how it keeps you in confusion, how to cut it loose and live in freedom, would you be in?
You’re not the only one who’s a hot mess. That’s why God sent his only son to save us.
Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Who am I?” Consider for a second a newborn child upon whom the world has not yet had a chance to influence. Pure, whole, unself-conscious. This state is the heart of the truth of you who are. A loved child, created to know, love and serve God in this life and to be happy with Him for eternity.
Ask for the grace to see yourself how God sees you. You are adored and cherished and loved beyond measure.
God is love. Seek Him first.
Truth is, we were born free. At some point in our lifetime, we adopted ideas that enslaved us; the diet culture, ideas about achievement, perfection, success, Without real freedom, our inner potential will never be fulfilled. We already possess within us the foundation to be fully free. This freedom was purchased for us at a price. What would it feel like to live for God alone instead of making decisions based on someone else’s belief system? How would it feel to take confident action toward the dream on your heart completely free from what others might think of you? I’ll teach you how to jettison the lies.
We are all seeking. It’s just that we tend to try to fill what’s really our innate desire for God with things of this world. We develop attachments which leave us empty and wounded. They will never measure up and weren’t intended to. Have you lost sight of the gift of this one precious life? Do you yearn to thrive instead of barely survive? Now you know your value. You desire freedom. Seeking is the journey. It’s time to extricate yourself from the excess to reveal the essence of who you are. Now you will become who you were meant to be: pure, whole, unselfconscious.
You don’t really believe that it’s all or nothing. It’s taken years for you to get to this place of overwhelm. Perfection is a lie. Maybe you’ve tried to undo the effects of your pain overnight. It didn’t work. You gave up. There’s no reason to feel stuck. We are going to baby step our way to victory. I’ve learned to value and trust the gentle movements of God in my soul. I will teach you how to cut through the noise to discern the voice of God in your life and how to adopt a spirit of patient trust in all things.
For more in-depth information on this, please check-out my free e-book here.
“Aspire not to have more but to BE more”
In order to better understand the spark that ignited the Natural Healing Project, we'll have to unpack the story a little bit. Let's go back to the very beginning and I will introduce my life's work-my family! I met Captain Fun in high school. We started dating, became best friends and continued our relationship during our four years at different colleges. I always dreamed of a large family. Funny thing though; the reality of a big family looked nothing like the cotton candy image in my head. Total bait and switch…
See number one over there in the middle with the kiddo of her own? Yeah, her. She was days’ worth of labor and a surprising 10 lbs. 4 and 1/2 ounces. She led the pack with the kind of willful determination that throws a novice mama for a loop but turns into incredible leadership. She is amazing.
Number two, in the shades, top center? He was born in the car. In the hospital parking lot. I did not ask for that experience. I did learn from it, though, that he most definitely has a mind of his own. Goldenboy.
During the fifth month of my pregnancy with number 3, I underwent major abdominal surgery to remove an ovarian cyst that was growing at the same rate as she was. Bedrest and a temporary free-for-all ensued, but Number 3 was born healthy despite it all. She’s a strong one, that one in the jean jacket; a surviver.
Lifeoftheparty arrived fourth. Action-oriented, goal-driven, always determined and on her game. Started school early, graduated college early, gets the show on the road. She’s the one having the most fun in this pic. Obviously.
At this point, our only son complained that even the pets were girls. Oh, how he wanted a brother. He was 13 before his little brother came along. Unbeknownst to me, LifeoftheParty, who was 5 at the time, was praying for a baby brother for her birthday. We were sitting on a bench in Disney World when she shared her dream with me (I was literally pregnant at the time but didn’t know it yet) and sure enough,
Number 6 arrived during her birthday week. A boy, of course.
With number 5, I gave birth to The Queen. She’s taught me about temperament, individuality, freedom, patience, trust and unconditional love. Self-made rules; eyebrows on point; middle child..
Number 6 can testify to many miracles. He has shown me that God was in control all along and has taught me to not try to control the outcome and to see people as God sees them. He’s quite an entrepreneur, this Number 6. He’s had his own biz since age 11. He inspires me.
Number 7 arrived 19 years after Number 1 at 11 lbs 9 oz.
With 6 children, I managed to keep it all together. Presentable even. But, seven? Nope.
Number 7 felt like 70 x 7. Our seventh baby was an exponential addition to the family. I was completely outnumbered. I could no longer keep it all together according to the world’s standards. Blind trust. Survival of the fittest. I could’ve surrendered in faith and simplicity, but instead I tried to maintain order. Here’s when people started mistaking our oldest two kids for the parents of the little ones. “They look too young to have all those kids,” people would remark. Number 1 and Number 2 were 19 and 17 at this point. Old enough to wear a baby sling. This takes kids being embarrassed by their parents to a whole new level.
So kiddo Number 7 is the cool uncle because he’s closer in age to his nephews than he is to his older sister, their mother. Smart, accountable, does his own laundry. He might even do mine.
After two and a half decades of parenting, I got fired. One morning, hubs declared that I was off-duty. Whaa? I had no idea what he was talking about until he showed up on the morning shift. Why? Because I had poured myself out into motherhood for years without really stopping to fill my cup. He said it was his turn to wake up early for kid duty. He recognized that late nights, nursing, sleep deprivation, housekeeping, homeschooling, babies, toddlers, and teens had worn me down. I had lost a little of my creative spark in the endless cycle of laundry, chores and discipline. But how had I let that happen? Had I burned out trying to prove something? Clearly, something was missing. I had lost myself a little striving in idealism. If I’m being honest, the problem was not that I was living for other people in holy sacrifice and service, but that I was living for other people’s expectations without embracing the kind of authenticity and freedom that are my birthright.
I was about to enter into the biggest healing journey of my life. It started with the power of doTERRA essential oils and learning to practice self-care. I’m grateful that I was introduced to this new brand of essential oils at this time. While I’d been hitting and missing with the only essential oils on the market prior to doTERRA, I’d definitely been missing the self-care piece. My mentor taught me to employ oils for better quality sleep and supporting emotions. I learned to anchor my prayer time with centering oils like Frankincense and energize my mornings with Wild Orange and Peppermint. Just as I was starting to recover from the burnout, I had a life changing accident that forced me to slow down. This was the last piece of the puzzle. It taught me some really hard lessons. You won’t believe what you are about to read. Raise your hand if you’ve done this…
Like a busy mama does, I was rushing. I had a box in my arms as I descended a staircase, so my sense of space may have been slightly obscured. Just as I was about to reach the landing at the bottom of the stairs, or so I thought, I missed the last step or two, resulting in a very damaging fall. Has this happened to you? Somehow, though, the external outward rotation of the lower leg and foot sprained the syndesmotic ligaments that connect the tibia and fibula. There was a lot of damage to my leg, ankle and foot. I endured aggressive physical therapy 2-3 times per week for the next two years to undo the damage from this missed step. As grueling as that was, it was not the worst part. A few weeks after the fall a blood clot was detected in my calf. Another specialist was brought in and I was medicated to prevent that clot from causing further damage. Not a big fan of medicine, but one doesn’t mess around when medical intervention is necessary. Ten days later, two clots broke off and I had a double acute pulmonary embolism. Modern medicine failed to protect me. The drug was reported to the FDA as a drug failure, I had emergency surgery to place an IVC filter in my vena cava to prevent any more clots from entering my heart or lungs. I remained hospitalized for 5 days on IV blood thinners. Pulmonary emboli result in between 50,000 to 200,000 deaths per year in the United States. I had survived. I now had more doctors than kids…and that’s saying something as a mother of seven children!
What was this here to teach me?
Lots of people miss a step or two. No big deal. Why did this almost kill me? Likely because in living a life out of balance, I needed to slow down and prioritize health.
Modern medicine both failed and saved me. The clots were not resolving over months of painful injections of blood thinner to my abdomen. How could I employ my essential oils to support the healing process? In addition to the prescribed protocol, I researched the healing properties of Helichrysum essential oil to improve circulation and decrease pain and swelling. I found studies on Cypress oil and its anti-inflammatory properties, focused on Clove oil for its regenerative properties, Lemon and Grapefruit oils to cleanse and uplift and Frankincense oil for its anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.
What struck me most powerfully at this time of recovery was the mind-body connection that I had neglected for so long. My internal dialogue had been “I need a break…I need a break…I need a break” for quite some time. I marveled at the break my body had just given me. Not what I had in mind, but nevertheless I couldn’t deny the connection. I slowly learned to care intentionally for the injuries to my leg, ankle and foot by massaging Ginger oil over the healing ligaments, tendons and soft tissue damage. Aromatouch was my go-to oil for connective tissue and ligament support, aches, and circulatory support. Deep Blue oil continues to provide pain support post injury. Finally, I truly leaned into understanding emotions and oils to support the emotional healing necessary at a time of constant pain and challenges. The biggest gift to myself, my health, and my healing was the introduction of Lifelong Vitality Supplements, which worked synergistically to support less pain and more energy with natural anti-inflammatories, energy co-factors, and a blend of herbs, essential oils, and a whole food blend. This supplement provides a natural balance of micronutrients necessary to support long term health and vitality. I have learned that I cannot go a day without this protocol if I want to feel my best, most vibrant self. The bloodwork results the hematologist recorded from month to month spoke volumes. I was finding my way out of this mess.
The results I experienced in the gap modern medicine left were an answer to prayer. I experienced the hand of God all along this journey. I was very grateful for pure plant medicine to support the healing I needed. I began to understand the simplicity of the world as God intended: whole food, pure water, sunshine, movement, plants to nourish, sustain, and heal us even. In His wisdom, all of our needs are provided for. During my recovery, I spent hours in the chapel trying to make sense of things. A call began to emerge…the mission to share the spiritual lessons I had learned in motherhood and in healing to help bring other mamas back into balance in their lives before it was too late. The Natural Healing Project is a response to that call on my heart, to help women find their way out of the void and back to balance. I am here to serve you with a grateful heart.
I believe we were all created with a void that only God can fill. We’ve all sought to fill the void with people and things that leave us wounded, broken and in need of healing. We lose ourselves.
I believe that self-directed wellness begins when we stop living for other people and begin to live in the freedom of our own authenticity, This is the sweet spot where we experience the beginning of an end to the cycle of self-destruction.
I believe that perfection is a lie. If you are ready to come home to yourself, simplicity, patient surrender, and self-acceptance will guide you back to yourself.
Commit in this moment to not be a prisoner of your past. Embrace with love every detail of your life as it is in this moment, especially the weakness you’ve uncovered in the void. This is the sweet spot. This is where you find God, and this is where a healthy future is built on the good habits of today.